Bloomberg 3/3/19 GET TRUMP#1

***By the time he actually ran in 2016, he (President Donald J. Trump) had re-purposed himself as a market-driven conservative to win the Republican nomination, and ultimately, the White House. The billionaire candidate said in 2016 that he tried to pay as little tax as possible, and since then has generally compared Democrats’ tax-the-rich plans to the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela.***

1. He did NOT run as a “market-driven conservative”! He was opposed by the Koch brothers the Bush family, the Clinton Crime Family, Mittens Romney, Chambers of Commerce, Business Round Table, EU, UN, and every other tool of Globalism. In other words he has all the right enemies and that speaks well for him. Clearly Trump did not run as a market-driven conservative! To say otherwise is deliberate ignorance or a lie.

The market-driven “conservatives” are Misesean hyper-libertarians. This philosophy serves their business model: outsource labor to low wage countries and import to the highly desirable US market. Good for Multinationals, and their shareholders BUT DESTRUCTIVE OF SWATHES OF AMERICA! And exterminating to the Middle Class that lived, loved and raised families in manufacturing towns now have become the Rust Belt. Where baby baby-boomers swarmed and played ringolevio until streetlights went on and parents began yelling for their kids to get home NOW! blocks and blocks of abandoned homes stand. The only economic activity is illegal drug sales.

Where once the mighty Arsenal of Democracy produced materiel enough to supply the American military to simultaneously mount massive armadas and invasions in Normandy and the Pacific while supplying the USSR the means to hurl Germany out of Russia and into the heart of Europe: stands the Rust Belt. The Rust Belt stretches from Buffalo to Duluth on the Great Lakes, including what should be made into Gary Indiana National Post-Deindustrialisation National Historic Park. (Driving through along the local road on the way to Chicago one evening [just to see the country off the Interstate system] in crepuscular light, either a boar or a feral hog stood sideways in my lane. It turned its eyes to us, and they reflected red. I was actually frightened! Then it turned its head and sauntered off after having demonstrated its right of way. It was huge! It was post-apocalyptic.)

So clearly Donald J. Trump did not run as a Bushie-Free trader!

2. “The billionaire candidate said in 2016 that he tried to pay as little tax as possible, …” Of course! Isn’t there an entire industry of tax accountants whose entire purpose is to minimize tax exposure? This sentence alone proves the essential hit piece nature of the Bloomberg news story. BTW, didn’t we just learn that the Soda Pop Police Chief, former Mayor Bloomberg, has taken office space presumably for his Presidential run? When will the media ask about the “ethics” of using his media empire as an arm of his campaign? *yawn* silence.

3. It was 1999! I know I have changed my mind on many things over the past twenty years. I was still an apologist for international free trade and considered it a corollary of libertarianism. I trusted GWH Bush over the need for the USA to lead a war against Iraq over Kuwait and defended his record. But after 9/11 I said after the second plane hit, that plane will be the death of Saddam Hussein, even though I did not believe he would be behind such a suicidal plan. I was angry and if Saddam gave an outlet, crush him!

Oh but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now!



The idea that Libertarianism is monolithic must be corrected. It is also important to point out that extreme Libertarianism in international affairs differs from Globalism in no particular manner.
(“Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace”)

The Radical Austrians perceive international borders to be illiberal impediments to people, capital, goods and services.
(“You, you may say 
I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one
I hope some day you’ll join us
And the world will be as one”
Many Ron Paulistas dream the same dream.  I am surprised, however that the most fierce of foes of sinister globalism, Alex Jones, and his clones are Paulistas.
Libertarian Constitutionalists agree on the premise that the Constitution as the Framers conceived it is the best hope of maintaining a Liberal republic.  It is the Constitutional piece that is required to maintain liberty; and unfortunately I am detecting a nascent anti-Constitutional, or anti-Federalist contingent within the Libertarian ranks.  The rise of those who would exhume Alexander Hamilton and exile him from the Pantheon of American Founders is an ominous sign of how far down the path of Anti-Federalism the Austrian Schooled radical libertarians wish to go.  Coupled with the sudden urge to “honestly” deal with Abe Lincoln, and declare him a Tyrant, by some of the supporters of the movement behind Ron Paul is concerning.  It becomes evident that even if the Constitution were to be fully restored there would remain legitimate differences in the policies that various interests would seek.  Indeed, when the Federal Government no longer is in charge of picking winners and ameliorating the losses of certain losers, there would remain a legitimate diversity of interests that would still need to be sorted out through deal-making and compromise of Representatives and Senators.  The return of legitimate Constitutional government would represent the beginning of new political debates; and this is good.  But it will raise the question of: now, what shall our reinvigorated Liberal republic do; how shall it conduct itself in the society of other sovereign nations and states?

How shall the Federal Government use the legitimate powers conferred upon it to “form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity”?  These are political issues that are legitimate debates within a constitutional republic.  However, Dr. Paul and his followers have taken particular stances on some of these issues and have made them into tests of loyalty to Libertarian Doctrine, which they aren’t.

What if someone who is less enamored with the Constitution than another candidate, but the other candidate reflects one’s own opinion of a policy that is believed to be superior to the Constitutionalist’s proposed use of Constitutional power?

For instance: Trade Policy.

Trade Policy is to be set by the Congress: Article one; section 8; third paragraph “To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes”.

The dogmatic Radical Austrian ideological libertarian insistence upon Free Trade as a logical corollary to individual liberty is at odds with the Constitution.

So if a candidate A is in favor of a nationalist trade policy, (Dr. Paul admits that setting Trade Policy with foreign states is a legitimate Federal power in “End The Fed”) but believes it to be illiberal, and not only bad on a practical level, but evil for its reduction of liberty, what to do?
Unfortunately there is no candidate A! (That would have been the Pat Buchanan Constitutionalist that never showed up for this campaign season; it might have been Michele Bachmann, or Sarah Palin. Alas.)

And if candidate B is in favor of a very forward Naval defense policy  (as Constitutionally laid out in Article One, section 8, paragraph 13: “To provide and maintain a Navy;” to ensure American preeminence over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; the God-given moats that will forever guarantee our Independence, then I ask what of the equally Constitutionally minded Dr. Paul’s evisceration of America’s forward and yes, offensive control of the Seas?  Agreed, that the very idea of a single pair of “boots on the ground” in the middle of Central Asia is as absurd as landlocked Mongolia investing in a Navy!  But, America has evolved from the antebellum days. No longer divided into a Northern modernizing commercial republic producing wealth through increasing industrialism, agricultural but becoming a major player in international commerce; and a Southern fossilized remnant of Cavalier Britain before their Civil Wars.  The Cavaliers, or Royalists were based upon a landed gentry with aspirations to nobility.  They derived their wealth from agriculture and rentals.  They scorned the upstart Middleclass with their Reformed Protestant chapels.   They, the new Bourgeois, or Middleclass, were represented by Parliament.  They were the shop keeps, the craftsmen, the merchants that represented the dawn of The Modern Age.  The final act of the British Civil Wars took place in Appomattox Court House Virginia.  America has moved on.  No longer is half the nation ruled over by aristocratic families set upon White Columned Mansions upon a well-tended lawn, surrounded by monoculture cotton for export.  And no longer are “servants” (southern for “Slaves”) used as beasts of burden and fed and clothed by the products of the plantations themselves.  This medieval landscape had to die before the United States of America could come into its own.  The Confederacy for all its talk of “states rats” was essentially fighting against the triumph of the “bourgeois shopkeepers”.   It was men like Robert E. Lee, and Jefferson Davis who like Napoleon before them scorned the fighting spirit of the crass bourgeois Anglo-Saxon “shop keeps”. In case some have not noticed or have come to regret the fact, the North won.  And the results were not the South and the new west becoming a greater New England but instead an entirely new USA becoming a Continental Constitutional Republic of wealth, and power, on a level unseen in history. The New World, Atlantis perhaps, saved western Europe three times and continues to do so.
It is now no longer feasible to be as supreme as once we were. The inevitable occurred as new continental-sized states were ruthlessly unified by means of the various Isms’ of the Twentieth Century.  Now, there are nations the size and might of which have never been seen stomping over the face of the planet.  The Great Powers we reckoned with as a young nation were France, Britain, Spain, and Germany was not yet even a unified state yet.  The Framers never dreamed that nations with fabulous names from a mythic past, like Persia, India, China, or a backwards Russia would trod the earth like Behemoths. There are Chinese cities whose names we do not even know that have more people than Portugal, or Spain!

Yet, still the Atlantic and Pacific moats protect us.  But we will require the forward offensive Naval and Air Power to project our frontiers to the far side of those oceans. The Constitution requires in Article One, section 8, paragraph 13: “To provide and maintain a Navy”, and if they could envisage such a thing as an Air Navy, the Framers would surely have added that to the paragraph. Constitutional Libertarians need not be non-interventionalist in foreign policy.  The USA has evolved from a small group of semi-autonomous states clinging to the eastern seaboard to a Continental power with interests spanning the globe.  There is no example in history of a major power reaching an apogee and deciding that they shall step back a pace or two so as to “not be over there”.  Nations are like Dylan said about people, only more so, they are either “busy being born or busy dyin'”.  Major nations continue to strive or they begin to collapse.  There is never any middle course.   Maybe, President Paul, will thread that needle.  But, I would not trust his Austrian School fanaticism that sees all international borders as purely “illiberal” and arbitrary lines on a map. They are Constitutionalist (but only maybe, it appears the Articles of Confederation are starting to seem more to their liking!)  yet they do not abide Congress restricting the flow of labor, capital, and goods flowing unimpeded across our borders.  The Constitutional right of Congress “to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes” though admitted by Dr. Paul, was said by him to be unwise policy.  I disagree.  There are those Austrian Scholars who giggle that we should be grateful to those people who wish to sell us the consumer goods we want for a price lower than American companies could provide.  The Doctor giggles, ‘should we ask them to charge us more?’ Problem is that the cheap imported goods are not so cheap, no, not so cheap at all.  Drive from Green Bay, down the western shore of Lake Michigan, past derelict plants.  Then visit South Chicago, where our current president prepared for the office by organizing the urban street.  Round the bend to Gary, Indiana, proceed through to Detroit, Toledo, Erie, across New York State past Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Utica; one long rusting blight of what was once the source of the might that created the wealth that when needed became the arsenal of democracy.  It lies like a bleeding corpse.  Perhaps a new “Industrial Ruins National Park” will revitalize the region?  This is the cost of ~giggle~ the Chinese not charging us enough for the goods we want.  Libertarianism in international affairs differs from Globalism in what particular manner?  Our Alex Jones’ friends, so vigilantly on guard against The New World Order Globalists, have somehow anointed Dr. Paul.  Yet he would do his best to facilitate freer trade if that were possible.  H would allow the last remnant of industry to be sucked out to China, and he would also reduce the size of our Navy facing this same hyper-industrializing China.

Dr. Paul’s unwavering loyalty to the doctrine of Free Trade is not the typical pragmatic Anglophone Way.  (It is interesting how Anglophobic paranoia fills Alex Jones’ clones; just as it did the isolationists in the early twentieth century.  Anglophobia unites illiberal attacks on the Modern Age both from the right and the left!, but that thought is for another time). Even Jefferson knew that theories must come second to the reality of statecraft.  He went beyond the Congress’ authority to purchase New Orleans and took up Napoleon’s offer for the entire Louisiana Territory. Would an ideologue make that compromise? 
Would Dr. Paul have looked beyond his ideology to base his decision on statesmanship?
As China begins to grow militarily into a potential major challenger to American dominance in the Pacific, the good Doctor prescribes harsh cuts in military spending.  When China pushes past the First Island Chain, if we allow the “Finlandization” of Japan, Taiwan, The Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam, we shall have a new border.  Not only will we be ineffectual at the southern border, with Mexico, we should then have a western border with China in California.

The Constitution is not a suicide pact, Lincoln commented.  Nor is Constitutional Libertarianism a philosophy dependent upon the generosity and peaceful intentions of others.  Radical Austrian Libertarianism would be, it ought to be discarded as just one more Utopian Ism.  Does he suggest private ships with Letters of Marque instead of the US Navy patrol the western Pacific?  Is he crazy?  We can and ought to be libertarian within our borders, but maintain supremacy in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.   And we also need to protect our people from having to compete with coolie labor in a race to the bottom.

Ironically, Hamilton, and Lincoln, now considered fiends by the Lew Rockwell, Ralph Raico, Von Mises intellectuals of the Austrian School are believed to have injected a virus of International (Jewisssh) Bankers into the United States.  Yet, they are the ones who were assassinated!  Imagine the conspiracy theories if Hamilton shot and killed Burr, or Jefferson!  Or if it was Jefferson Davis assassinated instead of Lincoln! Finally, the last straw for me, was the vile Jew hatred spewed last week by former CIA man Scheuer, a standard on Judge Napolitano’s show.  The Judge a Paulist and an Austrian, proved to me how essentially un-American Radical Austrian School Libertarianism is last week.  The vile anti-Semitic comments on the websites of Alex Jones, and on Facebook pages discussing St. Paul shows who these Theories attract.  No, I cannot blame Jones and the Facebook Pagemasters for the comments of their followers.  But, it would be foolish to pretend there is no connection between the Ism of Radical Libertarianism and the vile anti-Zionist, anti-Jew tide of filth.  The psychosis in the US between the Leftists worshippers of Obama, on the one hand and the spitting spew of anti-Jewish hatred on the anti-Globalist side is leaving a narrow almost untenable path.  Glenn Beck seems to be the sole guardian there.  Mark Levin is not a Libertarian, so though a Constitutionalist on many points, he is willing to use the Federal power to fight the drug war.  Forced to choose between the two “opposites” this country is committing suicide.

“From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia…could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.”

Abraham Lincoln

To Newt, and all would be Presidents

Newt, I have always enjoyed listening to your speeches. I heard you on Satellite radio a couple of weeks ago in a rented car.  I do not know what it is you said that set off this sh_t storm.  But if we agree that the Federal Government has no legitimate role in providing health care or insurance then we are on the same page.  But, I am also dead opposed to the Free Trade Orthodoxy that you seem to embrace.

Libertarian Zealots preach that Chinese slave-like labor is good for Americans, it provides us with cheaper products.  Unfortunately these folks are so Libertarian that they believe the very foundation of Governments, i.e. the setting of physical borders between “us” and “them” is illiberal.  But to do otherwise is to force American labor to compete with Chinese or even more exploited labor.  I believe in a Liberty that is within borders.  We would have more liberty if we were to sacrifice some liberty at the border.  To the degree that libertarianism is not anarchy, we accept that there is a basic legitimate power which we have delegated to the government, in order to enjoy the bulk of our liberty in civil society. That minimal evil, Government, is most efficiently used to the public good by keeping most of the illiberality at the outer border.
Like a lever and fulcrum, any given amount of illiberality at the border, will be capable of performing more “work” than when diffused throughout the body politic.  For example, Immigration, is most efficiently stopped at a strong impermeable membrane, at the border.  Past the border, the Government feels it can deputize civilian employers into becoming unpaid Immigration officials.  By avoiding the illiberality at the border, we create the situation where federal agents can casually claim the right to burst in on factories and slaughterhouses and demand ID cards.
WE need to control our borders in a rational way, a way that concentrates as much of the total imposition of the burdens of centripetal force there, rather than spread though the entire society.  Drugs, legalized, or stopped.  If we cannot do the former, then we do the latter.  But, it is the insufficient attempt at controlling the border that empowers the now tyrannical War On Liberty in the name of War on Drugs!  Between illegal immigration and illegal drug importation it is as if someone were deliberately constructing the raison d’être to impose internal dictatorship.  The border must not be seen as a passive line in the dirt.  Like a cell membrane, it is the site of a host of complex actions and reactions.
For the greater part of American history, one of the greatest recurring political debates in the Congress was on Trade Policy.  It was expected that the myriad of special interests jostling one another would result in compromises and something most similar to “common interest” was discovered.  There was a natural humility that no one claimed to know the Common Good!  That has disappeared with the self-anointing of economists and other Specialists who believe they are gifted to know the Common Good, as they peer from their lofty height.  Free Trade, is a trade policy.  It ought not, and never had been a moral claim.  It is one of an infinite number of trade policies that a sovereign nation may enact at its borders.  The United States grew into the mightiest industrial economy in the history of the world behind stout Tariffs.  In the post WW2 years there were indeed national interests that were furthered by a policy choice of Free Trade.  In the aftermath of the war, the world lay smoldering except the USA.  By opening our markets to the world, we were able to reap the benefits due a conquering nation, i.e. the importation of what once would have been unaffordable.  It also served our Foreign Policy by kick staring Western Europe and Japan’s economies.  The re-establishment of a middle class was rightly seen as the most important factor in the containment of Communism.  Allowing access to our economy, the only truly functional economy in the post war years was a means of nudging the nations of the world to implement policies in favor of the USA.  Such supreme power was a once -in-world history phenomenon.  It is unimaginable to picture what a victory by the Axis powers would have looked like.  I believe it would have been very bleak indeed for a world exploited by NAZIs and Samurai!  But, that was an exceptional period of history.  That moment has passed; perhaps at the time of the downfall of the USSR.  But be that as it may, it passed.  Free Trade is n o longer in our Best Interests.  It is hollowing out our economy.  It is moving us into a post-industrial world.  The so-called service and intelligence processing industries have not risen to replace the high wages of the auto manufacturing industrial middle class whose grandchildren are left adrift at the high water mark of the Midwest and Great Lakes rustbelts.
We need to regain control of our border and make it work for us.  The right to export into the United States ought to be considered a fantastic boon, and not a bowl of beans!  How do we dare allow our corporations to produce everything overseas with cheap hazardous labor, in factories belching out toxic waste that dwarfs anything produced in the peak of our industrial age, to freely import their products back here?  No!
We would solve virtually every one of our major problems by returning the creation of Trade Policy to the realm of politics where it belongs, and out of the realm of Political Philosophy where it now resides.  We need to re-assert the right, the obligation, of Congress to legislate Trade Policy based upon self-interests jostling against one another.  This will be the closest approximation to The Common Good that flawed human being can achieve.
Newt, if these border issues are not addressed, the presidential campaign in 2012 will sadly be about selecting the last president of the United States of America.

PLAN B (In re: to China and America’s debt)

Plan B:  Chinese dumping dollars must be considered an act of Economic War and treated as such.  Instant Boycott of all Chinese imports.  Confiscation of all Chinese assets in America.  Let the world freak out.  Let the dollar plunge overseas.  It would be the best thing to happen!  America would be essentially a self-contained market.  We will have to re-indurialize.  We will have to cut the socialistic “luxury” of a Safety Net that has become a Safety Mattress, for corporations and individuals.  We will not get plums and cherries from Chile in the depth of winter.  We will survive.  We will be forced to jettison all the crapola about Global Worming, and utilize our huge God given Coal supplies.  Yes, we can cut true pollutants that cause acid rain, and smog.  BUT we need not pretend that CO2 is “dangerous.”

We will have no ability to pay for Middle East oil.  So, we will drill in Alaska, and off-shore, but not at ridiculously deep depths required by those who seek to increase the distance from shore of the platforms.  We will have no strategic interests in the Persian Gulf.  So, we bring the entire military back to the Atlantic and Pacific where WE belong.  We impress upon Hugo Chavez that we are in a bad mood, and we have a huge Atlantic Ocean hegemonic fleet, (which we will when we split from the Persian Gulf). We ask the Chinese one time to politely remove themselves from Panama, and render its canal as a de facto US possession.  All passage and operating and profits go to Panama.  No change there. Only, we have a de facto power to arbitrarily control access to those we favor.

The World has taken for granted the USA too long. Let them eat oil, eat cheap lead painted toys and poison dog food!  Let Euro Trash worry about the Persian Gulf.  Arm Israel to the teeth, and after that take care of themselves.  We, who worry, can emigrate and fight there.

Oh, Chile cannot sell us their winter fruit, tough.  Lower the price to the levels that we can afford OR EAT IT!

In the rare cases where the American people have enough dollars to buy foreign goods, they are imported with a Tariff equal to what it costs to make them here.  Chinese goods of course are boycotted entirely.


AS Abraham Lincoln said: ‘From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia . . . could not by force take a drink from the Ohio River or make a track on the Blue Ridge in the trial of a thousand years. No, if destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide.”



DEFAULT: No Increase on Debt Ceiling!

DEFAULT: No new debt ceiling

Default, and suck it up. Better those who have gambled on risky loans should lose their money than we print hyper-inflationary paper to “repay”. 
So, what, America loses its credit rating. And so…


We will eat the food we can grow, The Amber Waves Of Grain. We better drill, and hire Americans to do it, for whom else will take payment in the US Dollar? We better build refineries, and cold winters will silence the environmentalist extremists. We will get used to buying American cars, for foreign built will be too expensive. Local fruit in the east and the northwest, and California will suffice, as once they did.  No more plums from Chile in January! Peaches and watermelon will be seen in the summer only, and will be more appreciated. Since fuel will be based upon non-dollar costs, transportation and shipping costs will become very significant. Just as they were for most of human history, products from abroad and far were costly. Imagine Americans making the clothing Americans wear! (Some day, God willing, we will ask ourselves how we could have believed importing socks and underwear and coats, shoes, shirts and pants across the Pacific Ocean was a good idea!)

No, sorry, the unemployment benefits will not be raised to cover the cost of living. No, nor will welfare. But thankfully, we do not need wait the “new, sparkling clean green jobs”; we can hire folks to make all the stuff we imported. The “Jobs That Americans Just Won’t Do” will number fewer and fewer.

We above ALL other nations have a land over flowing with milk and honey. Only a nation of brainwashed, indulgent, decadent, and lazy sloths could impoverish such a place. Sarcastic, ironic, mocking of virtue: YOU yuppie maggots who have engorged yourselves in the corpse of the nation you have destroyed will learn how to work a lawn mower. You will not sit in air conditioned Great Rooms or Media Rooms in your McMansions snidely remarking on the naïveté of the Tea Partiers. When even Mexicans won’t come and clean, how will you get the dust and cobwebs off your cathedral ceiling? You: who have built Cathedrals to Yourself and to Your Cleverness for playing the System while simultaneously creating a persona of cool, anti-establishment, are the boot-lickers of those who threw you the crumbs and pretended camaraderie. In their mansions they mock you in your McMansions.

Meanwhile who will mow the lawn? You!  Golf, on weekends? I think not. Golf Courses will be too expensive for you, who produce nothing of any worth.

Your Credentials, for which you kissed asses, and made sure you punched every ticket for, are not worth a mechanic who can fix your BMW and machine the parts that YOU cannot afford to import.

Your future will recapitulate the past. What evolved over a century, we will see with our own eyes run backwards like a film. The rural countryside, was populated by farmers, orchard families, mechanics, shopkeepers. And then the suburbs came. The orchards were subdivided. The farms made into Golf Courses. Then more upscale folks, like yerself guvna and the Golf Course became a high end Mall. In the next county, the orchard became the Golf Course and like a cancer, a Yuppieoma, spread and metastasized.

You proudly sported Obama stickers on your Yuppie-mobiles. And were forehead wrinkling and chin stroking concerned about the planet. But, finely attending to every nonverbal cue, you were instantly able to flip to irony on the topic, any issue, if needed! You learned to never be too enthusiastic or too earnest about anything, because everything must be made IRONIC if the occasion demands. Cultural authenticity was the diamond ear pin and gray ponytail, for the Yuppie Man, and botoxed always canary-eating happy smiles on The Wife. You always named The System and Played It too. That takes a level of compartmentalization (the opposite of integrity) requiring complex sarcasm. Always mocking the system and its “tools”, there were no self-identified tools, but yet The System Ran in such a well tooled manner. How? Because you fools are tools, only not man enough to own it and be an earnest employee, or to leave it and be Independent. You rage inside at those who would dare be Independent. They remind you of your worminess.

Well, my American Yuppie Worms, your day has come. Little baldy white meat-eating cholesterol counting 500 channel surfing, diamond earring wearing, non-judgmentally ironic, homophobic-phobic, demonstrably non-racist, anti- white, likes “some” hip hop, American mocking, EuroTrash -Admiring douche: celebrate.

Today, this Bud is for you. (No, you don’t need a bottle opener, dude, its American!)


SIX POINTS for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: to restore the Morality, Wealth, Authority, Power and Honor of America

This House of Representatives must do the things within its power to do, this year.  Here are six  straight forward points to stick to.

1. Defund the EPA or limit its authority to declare arbitrarily whether a chemical is a pollutant.  The term pollutant must be excruciatingly defined or they will be naming Libertarians as toxins.  A pollutant is a byproduct of an industrial, chemical, or other human initiated process that causes significant and direct and measurable risk of a recognizable injury or illness, to humans whether in the womb or not.  In addition, a Pollutant may be a substance that damages significantly a limited natural resource.  The EPA shall make recommendations to The Congress of The United States only.  Climatic speculation is explicitly removed from the agency.

Like the schoolmarm would say: if you cannot behave yourselves voluntarily we will be forced to have stricter rules.  Unfortunately the Agencies have reversed roles with us! We are  their employers!

2.Defund the FCC and/or limit its authority to the limited resource of radio bandwidth rationing.  The FCC must be the auctioneer and referee of the limited radio spectrum. Only!  The only public benefit mandated for the FCC is to maximize the fees collected to lease the right to band width.  Since bandwidth is pre-existent to radio, and is a natural resource, the government’s only role is to see to its maximal profitability.  People vote with their dials, and the free market is the only neutral indicator of “public benefit”.  The FCC shall not have an opinion upon the content broadcast upon the band width that it leases, except for limitations on foul language.  If we need to return to a childish list of words and refer to them by their first letters, so-be-it.  The FCC has no mandate to “improve” or change the public’s thinking on any issue or point of contention.

Unlike the radio band, the Internet is not a natural resource.  There is no intrinsic scarcity requiring rationing of any kind.  It is Private Property.  Can’t you read the sign?  No Trespassing!  MYOB.

3. Defund the FDA and/or limit its jurisdiction to foods and drugs sold across state lines.  The Constitution grants the Federal Government no authority to intrude on this matter within the individual states.  If need be, we can produce a tedious list of items to be considered Food or Drugs.

The FDA should be liable in regard to the importation of any food or drug from a foreign country that is mislabeled, or unhealthy.  Keep out of our local business and protect the nation as a whole.

4. Defund the NEA.  Again, as the schoolmarm might say, “Alright Children, since we can’t all agree on what art is, we shall have no publicly subsidized art.”  Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton need not pay taxes for Crucifixes covered with Cockroaches, urine, or anything else.

5. Defund and eliminate DHS!!!  This is nothing if it is not the civilian defense force of which Obama spoke, equally well funded and equally prepared as the Pentagon.

It is an American Stasi, KGB and Gestapo, with technology Orwell never imagined in his worst nightmare!  It has nothing to do with fighting Terrorists and protecting Americans.  It is the boot designed to smash the Human Spirit forever and ever.  It is the arm of the New World Order designed to take America, the mightiest and wealthiest nation in human history, and weaponize it; use up its wealth in creating the instrument of its own enslavement and the enslavement of the entire world.  A thorough Congressional investigation into Chertoff’s connection with the Body Scanners acquisition, and a public airing of the records of the TSA and DHS will remove the stench of this un-American Junta.

6. Audit the Federal Reserve.  Investigate the history of the formation, the goals, and the actions of the Fed for its entire century of operation.  Let us know exactly which companies and individuals received any of the bail-out funds, and why.

These six things are doable and would restore the United States to our previous heights of power, wealth and respect.

Penalty: False START

Yes, we have heard of arms control as far back as we can remember. It was of course, the arms that kept the peace. (But, for “liberals”: it was their “reaching out” that averted war.  And it was but a “myth” that the Soviet Union was our enemy!)  The geopolitical and ideological rivalry between the USA and the USSR fueled the Cold War, not the arms themselves!  All the endless hours and careers dedicated to reducing the number of nukes was and is a waste. As long as each power had even only 1/4 of their inventory, they and we could have destroyed each other and much of Europe and Asia in the process. So to what end would it have been, to realize the wildest dreams of the would-be Bomb-Banners? To have the USA and USSR destroy 75% of their nukes would have been beyond what even the most optimistic amongst them would have dared dream. Yet, the same threat of devastating nuclear war would have remained.
Libs being libs, love to lie, and paint themselves as moralists.
But as the Libs love to proclaim and to crow : “We are in a Post-American Era“. Or, as the smarty pants at CFR, and Atlantic Monthly love to pronounce, we are in “a multi-polar world”. Therefore to what end do we negotiate bi-lateral treaties with Russia?
The USSR no longer is the “existential” threat to the United States of America. To “privilege” the Russian-American relationship as if it were still the days of NATO and Warsaw Pact tanks facing each other at Checkpoint Charlie is ludicrous.
Why do we still have US forces in Germany? Shouldn’t Europe be able to balance Russia, as historically was the case. With the continental sized USSR fully weaponized in the heart of Europe and pissed after WW II  was one thing. The power of the USA was needed to help Europe balance the USSR.
But, there is no more USSR. Let us allow Germany which traditionally manned the eastern approaches to Europe again to do so. Germany and France (with its own nuclear force) make up the heart of the EU. Modern History has revolved around Franco-German rivalry and the various alliances each other forged. United, they surely ought to be able to defend Europe from Russia.
The Baltic and The Black Seas are fairly distant from the North Atlantic! Should the USA in its NATO commitment to be guaranteeing such distant places as Georgia, and Estonia? Why should we be part of the Bear Baiting of erecting missile defenses in Poland and Czech Republic? Would we go to war with Russia over Georgia and the southern Ossetia regions seeking independence? I hope we have sane enough people in charge who would say “NO”.
WE NEED a NEW FRESH FOREIGN POLICY. It must reflect the multipolar world which, alas, is now the case. Alas, because of the Lib’s hatred of America as an Independent sovereign Republic, we have been betrayed and cut off at the knees. The Globalists know that America, strong, independent and free, will never melt into the stew of the NWO.
So, they seek to eat away our strength (and lead the world and ourselves to question our morality). They seek to tie us like Gulliver with strings of treaties and agreements. And knowing that educated, armed, brave American citizens will never allow our nation to be fed into the NWO, they seek to keep us ignorant, disarmed and frightened. They have succeeded to the degree that Americans are trained to apologize for having briefly been The Sole Superpower. We must now “recognize that our time is past, and that we shall have to pass the torch to China”. This of course is bullshit.
BUT: that is an entire screed to itself. Point now is that they have succeeded. We no longer have the moral clarity, institutional bravery, nor economic might to act like a superpower. That being the case, we must devise balance of power relationships, something we have no past history of doing. We had been insular between our oceans, until we burst their bounds  and ruled the waves. We have no experience in forming alliances and maintaining balance of power.
Unlike Britain we do not have a half a millennium experience in managing a multipolar world. But we must learn quickly. OR the “multipolar world” will be seen historically as the blink of time between the emasculation of America and the rise of the New World Order.  America was the result of an extremely long chain of events.  Some of the links were seemingly mundane and others; miraculous.  But once gone, it is very unlikely to ever re-emerge.  In fact, this is a part of our problems right now.  We have been made to forget the uniqueness of our history.  We are the New World.  We are the reality of a vague sense of wonder and hope for which medieval Europe gazed westward.  Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, arose from the mists of the western seas.  In the historical rounding error of four hundred years, a wondrous nation, one-of-its kind sprouted from its ancient hills, and fertile fields.  The Blessings of God were rained upon the head of America.  And the blessings crouching below in veins of gold and silver, and flowing oil in the very crags of rocks, all had been as if laid away for some future time.  Our time.  And once gone, it will never ever be made whole, again. And with sorrow I watch and in horror I see those whose hatred for America is matched only by their hatred of the idea of a Loving Creator, who see blessings from God as if it were ourselves who ripped them out of the heart of the New World.   Our own society has been mentally mangled and spiritually oppressed, to create and adore “Avatar”.  We fall over ourselves to pound our chests in mea culpa, as if The New World was Pandora and the Pilgrims and the white race of English-speaking settlers were as the cigar chomping military maniac at the service of the Corporate weenie.  Only a dying nation would portray itself thus.  Is it too late to once again sense the grandeur and sweep of History in the term “The New Atlantis“?