I am:

This is my first attempt at a Blog, so I hope we will grow together, you (the reader) and me.  Actually I mean “to grow in stature, wisdom, love etc”, not intertwine and grow together in the sense of becoming one.  ”I don’t know where you’ve been!”, Basil Faulty said to the nurse trying to touch his body!  So a working knowledge of Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, South Park, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Ayn Rand, Herbert W. Armstrong, Bob Dylan, The Beatles, and  The Grateful Dead lyrics, American and European History, Middle Eastern History, Douglas Hofsteder, Fractals and Scale, Chaos Theory, Physics (optics and gravity esoecially) will all be helpful in our growth.  But what is our point?  Is there a teleos for this blog?

Almost everything I write is to clarify for me the meaning of current events in their historical context in order to recognize the Hand Of God operating in History.  And once recognized, to look back at History to see if there is a direction to which it points.  This way of analysis can and has led to a unique worldview.  Wrongheaded or on the money I can’t know, but it is unique.

What is the Worldview? It is hard to define. It becomes more apparent when various pieces are looked at.  Like individual iron filings are unaware that they form a particular pattern in the presence of a magnet, none the less a pattern emerges.  So my worldview is a view that includes as a subset our worldviews.  Now that I have made myself clear (NOT) where do I start?  I guess from here.  No, from here. And now, no now…

I am a lover of Liberty, of the ideals of America, of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  Bible clutching and scientific!  Bible Prophecy Seer ( as in one who sees), I have studied History and have sought and found God’s Hand in the grand sweep of nations, rising and falling, of Empires expanding and imploding, and the continual persistence of The Remnant.  If you have ears to hear and eyes to see, then I betcha (drives Palin-hating media parrots crazy) you too are of The Remnant!  Find out!

6 thoughts on “I am:

  1. What is Replacement Theology if it is not one that writes the Jewish People out of the House Of Israel? You cite Is. 62:2 and propose a conspiratorial disinformation operation has falsely translated the Hebrew. “Gentiles” as you said is not the best translation for וְרָא֤וּ גֹויִם֙ “And the NATIONS shall see”….

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