NY Times Nonsense

***But the country’s changing demographics, the civil rights movement and a push for multiculturalism in many quarters mean that white Americans are now confronting the prospect of a nation that is no longer built solely around their own identity.***
Herein lies the KEY. “White” in this context is NOT racial. It is unfortunate that the truth is still kept hidden.
The claim that RACE (as in the “browning of America”) is the source of the sense alienation is libelous. It is the *culture* of WASPs that is under attack and which is defended by “White” nationalists.
WASP culture (American culture) was the culture into which all immigrants aspired to assimilate: even southern African-Americans made their migration north in order to achieve their place in the American culture.
The relentless attack on the ideal of a unicultural nation-state has finally brought its reaction.
The two terms of Obama have played their role. After eight years of AG Holder, and Lynch, with endless accusations of racism, sexism, hetero-ism, English-ism etc and so on, we said ENOUGH. WE no longer will flinch when our defense of OUR culture is predictably libeled as racist. Why is it that Dr. Ben Carson is wholly accepted and beloved by many of us? Is he a scraping and bowing “Uncle Tom”? No. He is a successful man in terms of our culture. If people are beguiled by Cultural Apartheid ideology and fail to prepare themselves to compete in OUR culture their whine of “racism” as excuse is NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE.
What is American Culture if not the culture of the WASPs? It is this culture that bore the fruit of Liberty: Economic and Political. So long as OUR culture is under attack WE will resist. This is not racism. This is patriotism.  
It is not racist to support one’s own culture. It is human nature.
Pat Buchanan, a proud Irish-Catholic is certainly NOT an ASP though he is White. If Pat and the many Catholic-Americans are glad to assimilate into WASP culture why is it considered “racist” to expect others to do the same? Trumpism is nothing but Buchaninism. And so what?

More NY Times Nonsense

The winner of France’s center-right presidential primary, François Fillon, in October. Mr. Fillon has called for lifting sanctions on Russia and for partnering with Moscow to curtail immigration and terrorism.
French Election Hints at a European Shift Toward Russia
More Putin-originating Fake News? Or have the MSM outlets been as blind in Europe as in America.

The antagonism against Russia stopped making sense when the Berlin Wall fell. Russia is a Great Power. Reality is real. There is not a zero-sum game between “the West” and Russia. We are witnessing the final restoration of a pre-WW1 European balance of power.
Remember, America is over here, not “Over There”. Though powerful, Russia is not a hegemon in a vacuum. France is a nuclear power, and Germany a major economic power. A Franco-German alliance is capable of balancing Russia without US assistance.
America became great, because we stood aloof between our Oceanic moats.
America needs to return to George Washington’s maxims regarding alliances and entanglements with European powers.
A US-UK trade treaty and alliance should become the heart of our relationship with Europe.
Our strategic interests are in keeping Russian naval and air bases out of western Scandinavia including Denmark. This is in parallel with UK’s interests.
Why allow Putin the power to destroy NATO after NATO’s successful post-WW2 run? Let us declare victory and rethink our interests. We are not strategically effected by Russian resurgence in the Black Sea, nor the Baltic. Russian expansion in Estonia for instance will fracture NATO. Paris and Berlin will NOT countenance WW3 in Europe for the sake of the former provinces of Czarist Russia, and the USSR.
Rather than leave the initiative in Putin’s hands, we should call a meeting with NATO, (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and announce our willingness to defend only those nations with littorals on the actual North Atlantic! And only with their full cooperation. They are NOT doing us a favor.
(If push comes to shove, which I doubt, UK, Iceland and Norway must be defended.)

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